New Song for the Talent Show

My company talent show is in a couple weeks and I still haven’t finalized what I’m doing. Last night on the way home from work the song “Your Body is a Wonderland” by John Mayer came on my MP3 player. And lyrics about Mr. BIL’s infamously messy office suddenly floated through my head. This morning I told L-Train a couple of my ideas, and she thought they were great, so she’s going to work on that.

I really didn’t want to do “You and Me Against the World” since I couldn’t find a karaoke track and would have had to bring in my keyboard and amp for it. It’s bad enough I’m singing in front of work folks, I won’t want to make it worse by playing the keyboard as well.

So with any luck we’ll have completed lyrics by the middle of next weeks so that I can begin practicing and really learning the song because I don’t want to have to use crib notes too much while I’m doing the song.