New Paintings and The Rock

So how do you like the new paintings below? Pretty bright, huh? *lol* I also finished the pacifier painting last night and I do NOT like it at all, so I have to think of an alternative way to do that painting.

Last night I was looking at the teacup painting and trying to think of a way to jazz it up (it was very boring looking), so I put the gold dots on the cup and saucer. I don’t like the saucer (the dots are too even), but the cup looks nice enough.

On the other hand, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fish painting. It turned out exactly how I wanted it. I prepped another canvas board last night with a gold acrylic, so I have to do a picture that involves only silver outlining. CootieGirl has requested I do a plane (I laughed because she was given the following choices: crown, castle, butterfly, angel, hearts or flower. She chose a plane). So I’ll prep another board tonight with a nice sky blue and some clouds and do a plane for her. But I’m trying to decide what to do with the gold background canvas. Fortunately, I have lots of options.

In other news, the kids were desperate to get their hands on some paint, so last night when I got home we went outside and got a large rock. Once cleaned I let them go to town with the paints. They had fun, they got the “I want to paint!” out of their system, and it was relatively mess-free.

And in yet more paint news, last night I was taking a break for a moment to let my canvas dry a bit before putting another layer of paint on it, and when I was out of the room Freddie The Cat stepped onto my “easel” (otherwise known as a thick cardboard dinner plate) of paints and promptly tracked bright green paint on our tv room carpet. Fortunately it came right out with water, but he did NOT like having his paw cleaned.