Never Understood That

Okay, so explain the rationale of this one. My firm gets contacted ALL THE TIME by friends and family to help them get out of speeding tickets. Our lawyers are not cheap. And when they agree to help their friends – they do BILL for that time. Yes, I know that speeding tickets can raise your insurance costs, but I also know that lawyers charge a LOT of money for their time. Recently Mr. BIL helped someone with a ticket and it cost the dude almost $1,000 to get it cleared up. That’s seems expensive when the ticket itself was only $150 and a couple points on his license. Surely his insurance wouldn’t have gone up $1,000 because of the ticket? I guess I need to study up on how to fight a speeding ticket so that I can take care of it without hiring a lawyer.


Heh. Notice I didn’t say “don’t speed.” Please – I live in home of NASCAR. EVERYONE speeds down here.