I joined Netflix last night for their 10-day free trial. Now, I realize a 10-day free trial is a bit of a joke because the shipping alone will take 4-5 days, and chances of me actually watching all three movies in the remaining 5-6 days are slim.
However, I’ve now put 51 52 movies in the rental queue (I just added “Tadpole” for Denis). Is that a lot? I honestly don’t know, so if you belong to Netflix, tell me if I went a bit nuts.
The first movie, MIB II, should arrive on Monday, and the other two (Death to Smoochy and Murder by Numbers) are “released to ship” which means I probably won’t get them until Tuesday or Wednesday.
The reason for joining is easy: I hate driving to Blockbuster and fighting with people to look at the latest DVD releases. And once I have The Kid in April I’ll be in no mood to pack up the little one just to go fight with people to look at the latest DVD releases. Thus the appeal of Netflix: Send the movies I want to my house and I’ll watch them and pop them back in the mail to you. I’ll watch them as my precious babe sleeps the day away (newborns sleep a LOT), and I’ll get to see all the crappy movies I never wanted to rent but am willing to do so now that I’m home on maternity leave.
The cheesiest movie on my list: Blue Crush, that chick surfer movie from the summer.
The most indie movie on my list: Frida, which isn’t even out yet on DVD, but it will be someday.
Yes, those are both movies I very much want to see. Hope I can stay awake through them. *lol*
I just purchased Alien Vs. Predator on Monday. I watched it Monday night and thought it was much better that I thought it was going to be. However, since it had the Alien and Predator Characters in it, I had to buy it.
I will bring it over this evening so you can borrow it.
“Garden State” was a movie I liked a lot. The soundtrack is good too – Enjoy !