I hate football. Having said that, tonight I spent an hour watching the Bowl.
The Puppy Bowl, that is.
On Animal Planet all day long they’ve been airing the Puppy Bowl – just cameras watching puppies play. I presume it’s AP’s version of the holiday yule log that some stations play on Christmas morning.
The winner was obvious: the white Schnauzer who insisted on playing with the big boys. This tiny thing made a point of “attacking” the big dogs the entire time. He probably drives a Porsche, too, if you know what I mean.
We watched that too…LOL! I’ve got to say though, I expected more play-by-play action. It was funny though, when the ref would come in and call penalties.
Denis and I commented that the poor ref has to put that on his acting resume!!
“So, what was your last acting job?”
“The Puppy Bowl.”
“The what?”
“The Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. I was the ref.”
“…Thanks for stopping by.”