I’ve gotten a lot of comments and emails about my taken-as-negative opinion of JD Adams from American Idol 2. So I thought I’d go ahead and put down ALL of my thoughts so as not to be misconstrued in any way.
JD Adams is a good singer, from what I’ve seen. A great singer? No. But a good singer, yes. He didn’t “wow” me in his first audition appearance, but I did comment that he was much better than a few others they had let through. I didn’t think he was worthy of the “Thank God!” cry from Simon. But good enough for the first round? Absolutely.
So now we’re down to 234 or so people, and they want to narrow the group down to 60+ people. They ask people to come up with melodies to lyrics with which they are provided, and I don’t recall seeing JD sing his, but it must have been decent, since he made it through that cut.
My problem comes when the group is asked to sing in groups of three and four. They made a point of showing Simon explain to them that KNOWING THE WORDS is about the most important thing for a singer. The first duo was great, and from then on it was downhill as they showed a montage of men who did not bother to learn the words. And that includes JD Adams. And frankly, he didn’t even sound like he was on-key that much as he searched for something to sing.
Having said that, knowing how poorly ALL the men did (Simon even said something along the lines of, “We’re going to have a tough time coming up with enough men to go to the next round because frankly most of you sucked”), they obviously chose men based on the initial rounds, not this round. Because with the exception of a handful of men they showed during the trios, most of them were awful. This, in my opinion, is why JD Adams made it past that final cut to the 32 chosen few.
So tomorrow night it’s all on the line. It’s live, it’s 2 out of 8, and JD Adams has to show me that he’s worth voting for. Because based on the trio episode, the best male on tomorrow’s live show is Bettis.
So based on the trio episode, which was the last viewed episode, here are my two picks for tomorrow night: Bettis Richardson from Florida, and Julia DeMato from Connecticut. Runners up: JD Adams from California (if he can surpass his nerves) and Kimberly Caldwell from Texas.
I completely agree with you. I think they went back to the original auditions for the men that made the cut to the final 32 last week.
Personally, I don’t think a lot of those people should have made it that far, but they had slim pickin’s this year for that final 32. Tomorrow’s show should be interesting.
Um, I hate that I don’t watch this show because sometimes I just HAVE to post something and I really have no opinion of JD Adams…now if we talk about SAM Adams I would have more to add!!
Tara, who are you kidding. You only drink Coors Light. In fact, you don’t even drink that any more.
That is not true D I have been known to drink Sam but when I drink in excess I drink light beer so I am not falling down drunk after 4!! But you are right I don’t drink any alcohol anymore! Gracie doesn’t care if I am hungover she wants to be fed changed etc…so selfish that little one! But I do know more about Sam Adams then I do JD Adams!
Tara, stick with Sam Adams. After the ears stop bleeding, all you’re really left with are fantasies of a knock down, drag out Paula Abdul and Simon catfight; that and bloodied tissues, of course.
On the other hand, with enough Sam Adams, the world is noticeably funnier and not so unattractive anymore. Or so I’ve been told.
i hope bettis gets voted in the wild card! he is so talented
JD Adams is hot
I was really pulling for JD Adams to make it into the top ten. I’ll even admit that i pulled out my cell phone and voted for him after tuesday’s show. His performance he gave of “all is fair in love” was truely moving! I’m praying for him to get in on a wild card, cause i would really like to see him develope as a singer.
Personally, my favorite for American Idol is Clay. I think he is SO cute, but I don’t have good taste. I’m so glad he made it to the top 12.
I think that JD is sooooo hot. Ok so he went to my school when I was in 8th grade and i like totally drooled over him. UH!!! I love JD and I think his sister is hot too. i am so prettier than his grilfriend ewww!!! ok well bye!!!!