My Head Is About To Explode

CootieGirl has been peppering me with the all important question of “Why?” to every answer I give her. She has reached that stage. And it’s no fun when it’s 8:57 a.m. in the morning and you’ve been up for 24:30 hours with no sleep.

What’s that mama?

It’s a pen.


It’s ink in the pen.


what do you mean why?

why is there ink in the pen?

so you can write with it.


CootieGirl, PLEASE stop asking questions.

Then she comes out with this one, “God is alive, isn’t he, Mama? His son died, but he’s really still alive right, Mama? And He loves us, right, Mama?”

“Yes, CootieGirl, you are absolutely right.”

Happy Sunday everyone! Thanks for the support!

Good night!

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