Last night I spent a couple hours adding more music to my MP3 player. It’s slow-going but I was able to get another 250 or so songs on the player in about two hours. I’m only up to “Bos” (as in the band Boston). And I think the most highly represented band on my MP3 player has to be The Beatles, who have 127 songs out of the 2,196 songs in total thusfar on my player.
In other news, I’m at a stalemate in my grand project to condense over 1600 cds into six cd wallets. I got up to the Jones’ when we realized that we cannot find the box of CDs that has the rest of the Js, all of the Ks and the Ls through “Lo”. We’ve scoured the whole house and the only place it could possibly be is in the attic, which neither of us have ANY desire to tackle since there are about 60 boxes up there. If it’s not in the attic then it’s likely that a kindly moving man lifted it when unloading the truck into the storage unit back in July, because I had a constnat eye on the guys unloading from storage into the house in October.
I’m sad because I hate to think those cds are gone, and secondly, what if I continue on with the grand cd condensation project only to find the missing cds in January? Where will the remaining Js, K’s and starter Ls go? After the Z’s? My mildly OCD self would not be able to stand that. And if I opt to leave space for the Js, Ks and Ls, then how much space is needed? Is it is a BIG box containing 200 cds, or a smaller box of 50 of 75? Until I figure out what to do, the project languishes.
Ugh! Don’t you hate it when you can’t come to closure?
J-Lo is missing, eh?
You did so well not saying that.
Please make sure to back all that up. MP3 players get (oops) dropped a whole bunch. I’m on my third ipod and I’m not that clumsy.
Scott – yes, I have a backup on my hard drive on the computer and would only need to sync back to my MP3 player if my player goes wonky – same goes synching from my player to my computer if my computer ever goes wonky, too!