So an email went out today from our IT guy asking that we all remove our music from the network drive. Apparently our system is getting a bit bogged down.
I’m probably the largest culprit – I had about 1000 songs on the server from a few years ago (you can see the complete list here). I never listen to them because I now have Real Rhapsody, but I kept them “just in case”.
Well IT guy emailed me and said, “I’m going to be sending out this email – but it’s not directed specifically at you.” I told him I’d reduce the number anyway.
I managed to get it down from 1000+ to just 77 songs. Much more manageable. And I plan on reducing my current Real Rhapsody list so that I can add those 77 songs if they are available through their service. I may even be able to get it down to just 20-30 songs by doing that.
Your songs list is fun.
Quite the ABBA fan, are you? 
Dear Jaynee,
I’m not a spammer,why do you think so?:(
I’m sorry I gave you such an impression.
I just did a search on Google, hoping to find a way I could use Real Rhapsody, at least for a couple of days and I came across your website.
I’m from Poland, Katowice and there’s no way I can legally sign up with Real Rhapsody in Europe, as it’s intended for US residents only. Besides, I don’t have a credit card which they require while enrolling.
If you would like to know anything about me, feel free to ask. I’d really like to exchange a few emails with you. I’d do my best to return your service if you would decide to let me use your Real Rhapsody account,at least for a few days.
I’m a great country music fan and it’s very hard to find songs of American country singers in Europe:((
I hope to hear from you. I swear I’m not a spammer.
My email address:
Greg K.
Greg, my apologies. I’ve sent you an email. I thought you were a spammer because you posted the exact same message three times in two different threads.