So before I left on maternity leave I had gotten used to using Real Rhapsody for my music listening. For $10 a month I had nearly unlimited music to choose from and had an extensive list of music in my playlist. But since we’re trying to save money, I cancelled the membership when I went on maternity leave, since I wouldn’t be using it at home.
Thankfully, I still had all my MP3s saved on my computer at work. Unfortunately, since I no longer download music, I’m stuck with the 1099 songs on this playlist. That sounds like a lot, but when you listen to the list for 8 hours a day, that’s about 135 songs per day and believe it or not the “shuffle” button doesn’t shuffle as much as I’d like, so I tend to hear a few songs over and over again during the workweek.
You can now see what I’m listening to right now under “Now Grooving To” in the menu bar. Will you see quality stuff or crap? Depends on what WinAmp decides to bless my ears with.
If $10/month will make you happier at work, you have my permission to go for it again.
No, I’m okay with this music for now – but once it becomes unbearable maybe I’ll sign up for Real Rhapsody again.