Moving Day Approaches!

Today has been a busy house-related day. In one week we close on the house. I am SO excited. ONE WEEK!!!!!!!

I called Comporium to arrange for our phone service to start next Tuesday at the house (and got our new home phone number). This way when DirecTV comes on Wednesday to set up our service they’ll have a phone line to test the system and make sure they’ve got it all set up correctly. We’ll have DirecTV in four rooms – Family Room, Office, Master Bedroom and Guest Room. The Family Room will have an HD-DVR and the guest room will just have basic DirecTV channels. The master and office will both use our existing Tivo boxes that we have now. In NoNJ we didn’t have tv available in the guest room, but I think it’s worth having since we will probably be using that room fairly often with family and friends visiting as much as we can coerce them.

I then set up the actual move, which will be done over the course of two days. Friday, October 13, the three moving guys will do our apartment and half of our things in storage. Then Saturday morning they’ll come back and get the remainder of our things in storage. Now, this could be minimized to one day, I suppose, if the morning load goes really quickly. But we’ll wait and see since we only have from 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. for those guys to work. I told Denis that if we have the movers do as much FURNITURE from storage as possible then the move on Saturday should go pretty easily since it will be mainly boxes. And with Denis and I taking a vanload of stuff to the house every night from the apartment from Oct 3-12, there should be minimal loading needed at the apartment other than the large pieces of furniture.

This Saturday I’m supposed to get together with MK to do some furniture shopping, although I won’t be actually BUYING anything substantial since it’s just before closing. However, Tuesday morning I plan on calling to give him the go-ahead to submit my order and get things rolling so that I can have as much delivered before October 12 as possible. October 3rd I’m hoping Denis and I can go out that night to buy a new washer/dryer since we left our old ones at the NoNJ house. I still don’t know what kind I want, but I’m leaning toward a large capacity front-loading washer since we average 6-8 loads of laundry during a slow week (it doesn’t help that we have to do CootieGirl’s sheets (and sometimes the comforter) at least twice a week due to potty-training accidents).

I’ve ordered the paint-by-numbers wall murals for the kids’ rooms. They should arrive in the next week so that I can begin painting their rooms and getting them ready for move-in day. I’m excited about that project since I know they will really enjoy their personalized rooms (Finding Nemo for CootieBoy and Princesses for CootieGirl).