Movie: The Notebook

The Notebook (New Line Platinum Series)Every woman I know claims this movie is fantastic. Knowing it was a movie based on a Nicholas Sparks book, my immediate thought was “It’s a chick flick of the highest order.”

I wasn’t wrong. Now, the movie wasn’t horrible – just relatively predictable. Not really knowing the plot, the minute I saw James Garner open his book and begin reading to Gena Rowlands, I KNEW what the whole thing would be like. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams were likeable enough, and their story was interesting, I suppose. James Marsden did a nice turn as the nice husband-to-be about halfway through the movie.

But it’s still a chick flick. Hokey, predictable, overly romantic, cheesy, and a tearjerker.

I was determined not to cry, and did well throughout the whole thing until literally the LAST TEN SECONDS of the movie. It was when the nurse left their hands alone – that’s when I lost it and began bawling. I can’t believe I sat through an hour and a half with nothing but mild interest in the movie, and then BOOM – a nurse leaves their hands alone and I become a blubbering idiot.

If you like watching the chickiest chick flicks you can find, this is up your alley.

2 1/2 ferris wheel rides out of five.