I know, I’m totally behind the times. But that’s what happens when your Netflix queue is 500 movies long. It sometimes take a LONG time for an old “new” movie to pop up to the top of the heap.
This one should have languished at the bottom.
What a load of garbage. THIS was a bestselling novel? Seriously? Okay, I know the movie got bad reviews and a lot of people said, “The book is so much better,” but seriously – the movie SUCKED and I don’t see how the book could be better unless they left a LOT (and I mean a LOT) of stuff out.
The movie was mostly boring. Sure, a few nice touristy locales were thrown in (I know there was a “DaVinci Tour” in Scotland that we did not go on) for those that need scenery. But the story itself? Sorely lacking in any true tension or momentum. Paul Bettany was appropriately creepy as Silas (I much prefer winsome Paul Bettany over creepy Paul Bettany). I kept waiting for villainous Ian McKellan to toss his walking sticks (or better yet, hit Tom Hanks upside the head) and cry, “I was faking the limp all this time!”
Ugh. The more I think about the movie the more I hated it.
And don’t comment and say, “read the book” because I’m not going to, and never will. Just because millions of people got duped into thinking Dan Brown’s theories (and that’s all they are) are real doesn’t mean I need to put my quarter in his coffer.
“But you rented the movie!” you cry, quick to point out my hypocrisy. “That gives him money!”
Yeah, but only a penny – not a quarter.
This one gets the big goose egg. No, you know what? I’ll give the Director of Photography a bone and give the movie one lone rose to honor the amazing scenery featured in the movie.
umm..wow. shocked at this one. maybe it’s because i did read the book and it was really excellent. i vehemently disagree with the theory and i knew that going in but there was too much being said about the book not to read it. and it was great. and why? because in the book, it was a big treasure hunt, with little things to figure out along the way. sort of a big logic puzzle. in the movie, they just gave you all the answers making the special part of the book completely useless in the movie. at one point in the book i literally was yelling at them the code for the safe because i had figured it out. i won’t recommend you reading it because you asked not but i can say i wish you would have read the book first
I haven’t seen the movie, but I didn’t care for the book. I just didn’t think it was very well written.
I’ll just say that this book is one of…three? that I’ve actually stopped reading about 1/4 way through and dropped it in the trash. The only good thing about it is that it should give hope to any aspiring writer in the world, because I guarantee that everyone has as much talent for storytelling as Dan Brown. The only difference is that he managed to get published. Bleh. Sorry the movie wasn’t at least worthwhile.
I’m going over to my Netflix queue right now to take it off the list. Thanks for saving me.
Totally agree. Awful movie. I watched to see what all the hoopla was about. Much ado about nothing.
Read the book. Meh.
I also watched the movie this weekend and it was pretty faithful to the book. Therefore the movie also gets a meh.
I am glad I satisfied my curiosity about both though. I’m happy to be able to report with knowledge of what I’m talking that both sucked.