Movie: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

I just got back from Sky Captain. The Reel Moms experience was cool – about 20 moms were there (the ticket seller said if the movie is a particularly popular one they can have up to 70 moms with their infants). They left the lights on dim and the sound wasn’t nearly as loud as it normally would be. This enabled the moms to keep an eye on their kids easier.

CootieBoy slept through 99% of the movie – the only time he woke up was when the toddler in the other aisle would holler (which thankfully wasn’t often).

As for the movie, I must say that I REALLY liked the effect the director was going for. Throughout the whole movie I just kind of giggled to myself when I recognized a particular pose from the 1930s/40s art deco posters. There was one in particular where Giovanni Ribisi is looking out a window at something and it REEKED of art deco. Absolutely brilliant in that regard.

The PLOT of the movie was generally weak, but then in my opinion, it was aspiring to also be LIKE a 1940s flick – and weren’t most 1940s flicks a bit cheesy? Jude Law did a fine job, Gwyneth was charming, and Angelina was…hardly in it (which I was thankful for since I can’t stand her).

If I had paid full price for it I would have been upset. But I paid $6.25 and didn’t buy any candy or popcorn, so it was a cheap one for me, and I gave it a bit of leeway. Out of five stars the stylization of the movie gets 4 1/2 stars. But the plot drags it down, so I’ll give it 2 1/2 stars out of 5.

Next week’s movie: Wimbledon

04 comments on “Movie: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

  • Ace , Direct link to comment


    **Ace runs to add this movie to his Netflix Queue**

  • Marmie , Direct link to comment

    Glad you had an enjoyable Moms Day Out. You should think about MOPS for the future. That movie is on my “want to see” list.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Marmie, since I’m only home another 3 weeks, I doubt I’ll get involved in MOPS, which is more of a permanent weekly gathering. If I was a SAHM I’d think about it thought.

  • phern , Direct link to comment

    How can you not stand pouty-lipped, vial of Billy Bob blood around neck, Tomb Raider-esque, UN goodwill ambassador Angelina?

    The world need conflicted actresses that hate their dads!

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