Movie: Cloverfield

cloverfield.jpgSo this is the other movie I saw on my Jane Day last week. Now, I knew in advance that 1) it was filmed a la “Blair Witch Project” and that 2) the cast was mainly a bunch of unknowns. I also knew it was a film done by JJ Abrams and Drew Goddard. So I had certain expectations going into it.

In a phrase – I LOVED IT.

It definitely had the “Blair Witch” shaky camera cinematography going, but overall it was infinitely better. It helped that the movie had a bigger budget and was actually filmed in NYC versus the woods for “BWP.” My only real distraction was that I recognized one of the actresses, and everytime she was on camera it would remind me that I was watching a movie. If they had truly cast *UNKNOWNS* (as “BWP” did) it would have been that much more dramatic for me.

I also loved that rather than have the viewers on the hook the entire time, about 30 minutes in we actually got to see just what was destroying the city. No hinting at it for 90 minutes. I really appreciated that.

I didn’t love it as much as “Enchanted” (the other movie I saw on Jane Day) – but it’s hard to do a comparison since they are completely different movies.

But “Cloverfield” is still a GREAT movie and I’m very happy I saw it on the big screen.

4 bite marks out of five.

02 comments on “Movie: Cloverfield

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    I wonder if the sequal will be any better. The camera shaking got on my nerves after about 15 minutes…. I can see the one character being the Ripley from the Aliens movie.

  • Bubba's Sis , Direct link to comment

    I have heard from several people that ‘Cloverfield’ gave them a headache – or even made them sick! Not really my kind of movie…..but I loved ‘Enchanted’!!!

    Bubba’s Sis’s last blog post..22 Years

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