I’m so embarrassed right now that I can’t even think straight. One of my pet-peeves is that when someone responds to an email they respond to EVERYONE on the email even though the statement really only needed to go to the sender of the original email. I always HATED it when Most High Banker at my old company would send out an email to the staff only to have Joe Smith down the hall reply and cc: THE ENTIRE COMPANY. We had one guy at my old job who did that CONSTANTLY.
So just now I saw an email from the head of our IT department, announcing that in October we’re going to a new phone system. This alone is awesome since I hate the phones here at The Company. In the email, IT Guy mentioned the specific system we’re going to, and I was excited because it’s what my old company used and it’s a much more user-friendly system than what they have here.
So I hit “reply” and wrote back to Mr. IT Guy and told him how excited I was because that new system is great and user-friendly. I hit “send” and went back to work. A couple minutes later I see an email from someone, so I open it and he says, “Thanks for the input.” Then I see HOLY CRAP – I accidently cc:d all 120 employees.
I immediately called IT Guy and apologized, and he just laughed. When I told him I was sitting here at my desk, beet red in the face with embarrassment, he said, “Don’t be – you showed your enthusiasm – that’s a good thing. It could have been worse – you could have written back and said the system sucks.”
True dat.
Either way, I’m horrified that 119 employees are going to open my stupid email and probably privately rail against the Dumb New Girl who cc:s the whole company on her email responses that really should ONLY go to the original sender in the first place.
Oh noooo, I feel your pain! Recall it!!!!
Too late to recall it. And I always hate when I recall because then the receiver sees not just my original but also a notice that I recalled it – that’s like doing it TWICE. *lol*
Yeah, I love it when folks try to recall a message. Don’t even bother.
I’m VERY careful when I click on “reply”…
Ohhh man, I’ve done that too. Whoops!:redface:
How about this: My Lotus Notes email got wacked when I was on a wifi network and the wifi acted up. Lost the icons for my mail from the desktop. No problemo, just connect to the server, open the database, create a new replica and voila! I’m back.
to my horror,
I started to get replies to my “invitation” to my boss’s weekly recurring staff meeting. Somehow I got put in as the chair of the meeting instead of him. Now I can’t even delete the meeting because, as the chair, if I delete it cancels the meeting for everyone. And his EA is on vacation, he can’t change his own meeting because I’M the chair, so he has to call me to make the changes…
And to make matters worse, I’m now getting “So and So is out of the office” emails from those employees who aren’t even in today. :11doh:
Am I the only one here who sees this as no big deal? Or maybe it’s because I’m never annoyed at people who cc everyone. I suppose if you made a habit out of it, then that could be annoying, but I am sure that people in your office know that it was an honest mistake. Especially if you have never done it before. It’s good that you have a sense of humor about it though!