Yes, I’m a little obsessed right now.
The soreness is finally completely gone. I’m very relieved about that! I woke up this morning feeling GREAT and proceeded to play a couple matches of tennis and one game of bowling before getting ready for work.
The kids are going to be Wii pros. CootieGirl bowled a 161 game yesterday. I only helped her with the first two frames to teach her how to use the remote to throw the ball. From there she was on her own. She bowled two strikes and a spare all in a row. I BARELY beat her, 169-161.
CootieBoy loves Lego Indiana Jones and quickly learned how to get his man to do flips and kick my character. Very funny. CootieGirl learned how to jump and swing on the rope to the other side of the ravine. She did it without any help from me. I was VERY impressed, needless to say. We have no idea what we’re actually DOING in the game, but we’re having fun doing nothing anyway.
But the piece de resistance! On Saturday someone told me about, a website at which you give them your cellphone number and email address and they alert you as soon as the Wii product you want becomes available online at any number of online retainers (Amazon, Best Buy, Target, etc.). Well, this morning I got an email that Best Buy had the Wii Fit available. So I clicked on the link and sure enough – they were not only available but were with free shipping! I quickly placed my order.
Yes, my Wii Fit is on the way to my house. I love that I paid the proper price ($89 + tax) and didn’t have to pay shipping. I love that I don’t have to go stand in line at a store next weekend for a couple hours in the hopes of getting a voucher.
The cool thing is that between today and tomorrow I’ll be getting paid about $100 out of my PPP earnings, so the Wii is basically “paid for.” It’s actually already paid for since I used my debit card to pay for it, but you know what I mean. The cost didn’t come out of my regular paycheck so much as out of my extra earnings that I make from PPP.
No problem playing the wii in the morning. Just remember to shut the TV off before you leave for work. LOL