More Plugins – To Prevent Splogging

I have had my blog scraped so many times in the past month it’s not even funny. I’ll write a post and within 15 minutes a splog (a blog created to steal content from legitimate bloggers to post on blogs set up STRICTLY for ad revenue) will pick up the post and regenerate it on their own website. I’ve contacted Technorati several times to report splogs, with some degree of success. However, reading Lorelle’s great article on a couple new WordPress plug-ins specifically to target sploggers made me take the leap and install them.

It helps that I have virtually NO feedreaders, so they won’t see the things I’ve implemented to stop content thieves (their method is primarily to steal the content via the RSS feed). If you ARE a feedreader of mine, be aware that you will see two words at the beginning of every post in the feed – that is what I am using to battle splogs. So if you want to quote a post of mine, it’s better if you simply copy and paste in the exact quote you want to use rather than use my feed reader, or my new plugin will mark you as a splogger. And if you find a lot of splogs in your trackback pings, consider installing the plugins that Lorelle recommends as well as contacting Technorati to report splogs.