Well, Mr. BIL’s mediation ended around 5:30 p.m. and he made it back to the office and asked if I’d stay late to work on the settlement agreement documents. I said yes, because we just spend $300+ on a new A/C pump, but sadly this means I may not be able to take CootieBoy rollerskating as planned.
My mommies group is going rollerskating tonight and it’s a kid-friendly event. I intended to take CB as a fun night out since CG isn’t around. It starts at 7 p.m. and I think I’ll be lucky if I’m even out the door to head home at 7 p.m. (it’s doubtful). Granted, the event goes until 9 p.m. so we can get in a good hour of skating (and at $2pp it’s a cheap hour of rollerskating), but if I were to stay longer than that to make it worth his wait, then he’ll be going to bed WAY past his bedtime by the time we get home.
Update at 7:50 p.m.: Still here. We’re in the home stretch though, and I should be able to get out of here by about 8:15 p.m. But that means I absolutely can’t take CB rollerskating tonight. He’ll be devastated, but I can make it up to him by letting him stay up tomorrow to play Lego Indiana Jones for a while. In the end, I’ll end up with 5 hours of OT pay on my mid-August paycheck. Nice! That’ll pay for a storm door! WOO HOOO!!!!