More OT in My Future

I’m working again this Sunday. For two reasons: 1) A hearing on Monday morning, and 2) a document that HAS to be FedExed on Monday to the IRS for a pro bono client.

The stuff for the hearing is mostly done, but we received word that the other side is accepting the settlement offer, so Mr. BIL wants to have a draft of the settlement agreement all ready to take to the hearing for the other attorney to review.

As for the IRS document, that is also mostly done – we have the text for the form, which needs to be filled in. The form is lengthy and will take quite a while to complete. The client is coming in at 9 a.m. to sign the form, and it needs to be completed when she signs it.

So, YAY for more OT. *lol* And, on Monday begins my new shift – 9:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. I’m really looking forward to that – I’ve decided that my new morning routine will be to get up (at my normal time), get the kiddos ready for school and try to leave the house at the same time Denis does (around 7:40 a.m.). Then I’ll come home and have a leisurely 75 MINUTES to get ready for work, leaving around 9 a.m. to come in to the office.

Wow – that just made my heart race a little bit.