Okay, so I’ve now had WordPress 2.5 running for about a week and have more observations on it.
1) Plugins – only one of my plugins had issues with 2.5, but someone on the Codex posted a quick fix and it worked. So all of my plugins that I currently use on Cootiehog worked with no problems. In fact, one of them which I couldn’t get to work before is now working seamlessly).
2) Image Gallery – I still cannot batch upload photos, but at least I can now get them to go into the post, which I couldn’t do the first couple of days. This fix required at least 4-5 solutions. With each solution recommendation I was told “it’ll work after you do this,” and none of them worked individually. But as a group, they did. Alas, no batch uploading, but I’m okay with that. I normally only put 3-4 pictures in any post I make, so no biggie.
3) Admin Dashboard – wow is it different! A lot different! I like some things (notably the stats chart), but other things I don’t like – such as the widgets menu screen. Now instead of showing both sidebars at once you have to use a drop down menu to see each sidebar one at a time. For folks who only have one sidebar that’s not a big deal, but for 3-4 column blogs I bet that will get old really fast having to use drop down menus to go to each sidebar, one at a time.
All in all, I think there are enough improvements that I’m a fan of 2.5, but I do hope that they clean up some of the bugs and put out a new release for those wise enough to wait for a bug-free version.
2.5 is giving me a gigantic headache. I think it was too much change all at once for my brain.
Stacy’s last blog post..I Have Over Half an MBA Now, and I’m Still Not Afraid To Use It
The widget thing I don’t like either. But the rest I’m OK with.