Miz L May Get More Help

In December a co-worker of mine shared about a friend who had lost everything in an apartment fire. She was accepting any kind of furniture donations, and so I got in contact with her and informed her of some stuff I had available. S. decided to wait until after the holidays to come by, and then just got delayed in her ability to come over.

In any event, S. was finally able to stop by today to pick up some stuff. Her car was small, so we opted to load everything (the metal computer desk, the TV cabinet and one dresser) into our van and Denis drove over to her place to help her lug it up the stairs to her third floor apartment in Charlotte while I stayed with the kids and started laundry.

But while talking with her I brought up my fund drive for Miz L. She was intrigued by the case because she herself works for a legal services group in Charlotte, and wondered if Miz L had ever applied for help from them before. We quickly decided to work together to see if her organization could help Miz L in some way in addition to what Mr. BIL and I are already doing. I’m excited about this possibility because S. seemed to imply that her group really worked towards permanent solutions to financial difficulties for the poor. That’s EXACTLY what Miz L needs!