People, I’m still sick. Luckily the flu part of my sickness seems to be over, but the migraine still lingers. So I’m home today. Gonna get rid of this thing regardless of a particular boss who swears I’m due an Academy award (he shall go nameless for now). Yesterday afternoon I took a pill upon arriving home at 3:30 p.m. (I’ll tell that story in a minute), but relief from the migraine didn’t occur until about 10 p.m. Stupidly, I forgot to take the second pill (which was due at 10 p.m. anyway), so I woke up this morning with the migraine in full gear. I’m an idiot.
So about my ride home. My doctor appointment was over by 12:15 p.m., so I made my way to Port Authority only to arrive five minutes after the 12:30 p.m. bus. Next bus? 1:40 p.m. What’s a girl to do for an hour at the Port Authority? Well, she goes to Hallmark and gets to new Yankee Candles. She eats a slice of pizza. She buys a small bag of mixed candy to add to the candy jar at home. She finally goes to get in line despite the fact the bus won’t show up for another 20 minutes. There’s only so much time you can kill in the Port Authority that doesn’t require drinking alcohol.
So I get to my car after 2 p.m. and drive to the CVS to fill my handy-dandy prescription for my migraine medication. I slam the door shut and immediately freak out. I’ve just locked my car keys in my car. That’s the first time that’s ever happened to me. I’ve been driving for 20 years, and THIS is the time I lock my keys in my car. A nice hot, bright, sunny, migraine-filled day. I go into the CVS anyway and turn in my prescription. She asks me if I want to wait or come pick up later. “Aw, what the heck – I’ll wait. I’ve got time to kill.” I then hit a payphone, which miraculous has the number for the local police station posted above it. I’m told, “We’ll send an officer out there when we can.”
What does that mean? Ten minutes or two hours? Well, it turned out to be 20 minutes. Twenty minutes in the hot baking sun, waiting for a cop to arrive and shoot me out of my migraine misery. Anyway, the officer finally arrives and begins to work on the lock after checking my license (registration will have to wait as it’s in the car). Fifteen minutes later, we’re still standing outside my car trying to get in. Parking lot pedestrians walk by, staring at me, gawking at the lady who stupidly locked her keys in her car. One guy tried to be helpful and said, “At least you didn’t leave the car running.”
Move along, pappy, you’re not helping me get in my car with your commentary, are you?
A few minutes later he’s about to give up and I’m about to call AAA and see what they can do. “Let me try one more time,” he said, just as stubborn as I am (I was about to grab the stick out of his hand and try it myself). Sure enough. Click! and the door unlocked.
YIPPEE! I grab my keys out of the ignition, lock the door and promptly go back into the CVS to get my medicine. After all, it’s been 50 minutes since I turned it in. Surely it’s ready.
The doc takes one look at me and says, “Oh, you want your medicine?”
She rifles through some envelopes, then announces, “It must not be done yet. It’ll be a few more minutes.”
Not done? In 50 minutes? Like this particular CVS is THAT crowded that she can’t fill my prescription for 20 lousy migraine pills?
I wait five minutes then go back to the prescription counter and tap my foot in a threatening manner. Which didn’t really work since they could only see me from the waist down. But I tapped away anyway. Finally, the menancing toe-tap must have worked, because the assistant scurried over with my prescription and let me sign for it. $7. A regular BARGAIN if the meds work (which they sort of did, as I mentioned in the beginning of this post).
So I get home, do a quick mirror check of my hair, and notice a HUGE chunk of parsley in the middle of my teeth. It’s from the pizza I had THREE HOURS AGO at the Port Authority. And no one bothered telling me. Nice way to end the afternoon, don’t you think?
Well, the baby is crying, and nothing helps a migraine like a screaming, howling, miserable baby. So let me go take care of her.
I am so glad I can’t take public transportation to work. (You can’t get there from here.) My car is my lifeline. I haven’t locked myself out yet, but I keep a spare key in my wallet.
Sadly, I have locked my keys in the car with the engine running – not just once, but twice!
First time was in front of my townhouse in Fairfax – AAA had to come pop the lock open. Second time was in Mom and Dad’s driveway, but my sunroof was open so we were able to get the door unlocked easily.
Now, I’m happy to say, that I have idiot-proof locks – I’m not able to lock the doors from the outside if the engine is running. And I have the power lock thingy – so those doors are never locked by any other method.
Poor baby – you, not CootieGirl. You might need to re-think the trip this weekend. How is Denis feeling?
Mom, the fever is gone, and this morning the meds ahve worked a bit faster to keep the headache at bay. As long as I remember to take a pill every six hours, I think I’ll be okay for the weekend. It’s still on!
Jen – my next car will hopefulyl have the same kind of system.
Bill – I had that thought yesterday. I’m now planning on getting a spare key made to keep in my little change purse that I carry at all times.
And, Marmie, I’m feeling fine. I’ll be helping a friend move on Saturday. He lives on the border of Queens and L.I. That should be fun in the rain. I think he’s just moving within an apartment building, which will save us from getting wet, but do nothing for our backs! *lol*
Next time call the local cab company. Make sure you have cash but they will do it
Our police station will not pop locks… period.
Yo Jaynee!
The Artist Formerly Known as Erik here. I needed some of my old thumbnails to use for a project I’m working on and searched for “DvS Mix”. The net spiders brought me here! I’m glad. Great songlist. I have a few more you should add. Nice to see you are doing so well, with a new baby!! So cute. Hey, where did she get that red ha…nevermind. Hello to Denis too. How’s Glady’s? We need to catch up – e-mail me!