Maybe This One? Maybe?

Well, tonight we saw 6-7 houses around our new hometown. There were all 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths ranging from 2300-2800 sq ft in size. And in the end, this is the one we really were taken with:

You’ll note that it’s the same picture as the one in the post from a couple days ago. We liked it for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the backyard was just slightly larger than our NoNJ house and fenced – which means it’s in “move-in” condition for Cooper the Dog (doghouse included). The rooms were a nice size (with one painted pink for CootieGirl’s princess room and one light blue for CootieBoy’s Nemo room) and the two-car garage was HUGE compared to our old single garage that barely fit a Toyota Corolla. You can tell since I’m already moving in the kids and the dog that I already envision myself in this house.

So we’re sleeping on it tonight. To me, the house felt “right” when we took the tour – it’s very much the same feeling as I had with the NoNJ when we toured that house.

04 comments on “Maybe This One? Maybe?

  • Bev , Direct link to comment

    It looks like a lovely house–sometimes a house does just “feel right”. That’s how I felt about our current house 13 years ago on our first look and it has been a good place to live!

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