I love “Late Late with Craig Ferguson.” That show is one of the funniest late night shows EVER. Ferguson is so fun and original – and genuinely seems to like what he’s doing (*pointed stare at David Letterman*). Because his show is on so late I’ve been Tivoing it lately, and last night I watched the episode from last week when Ewan McGregor and Morrissey were on. His interview with McGregor was one of the greatest most sincere interviews I’ve seen – it was more like the audience was watching them just entertain each other rather than an interview. It was awesome.
Then, towards the end of the episode, Morrissey came out to sing his new single to support his greatest hits CD that just released here in America. Morrissey. I LOVE Morrissey. I actually found my “Viva Hate” record – RECORD – this morning in a box Denis brought down from the basement this morning. I can remember being in high school and listening to The Smiths in my car while driving home one morning from a church youth lock-in. I can remember sitting in my car with a friend from church and grooving out to all those great 80s goth bands (The Smiths and The Cure being the top two).
So when they showed Morrissey last night, I was SHOCKED to find that he was no longer thin and dark headed – the Morrissey I remembered from the 1980s. Nope. Morrissey in 2008 is about 50 pounds overweight with salt and pepper hair. He’s….(dare I say it)….old. How can Morrissey be old? That’s not possible! And about halfway through the song I said to Denis, “I officially feel old.”
It was a very sad moment. For the past 12 years I’ve been living under the impression that I’m still 27 years old. In my head I’m still able to be characterized as “twenty-something.” Not so anymore. Now I’m a 38-year-old (39 in June) wife and mother of two with a house in the suburbs. I’m old.
(And this is not the time for all my super-ancient readers (read: my parents, Cathi, and anyone else in their 60s+ ) to comment and say “39 isn’t old!”, because I know I’m not as old as you are, but I’m older than the 27-year-old I still thought I was).
Anyway, if you don’t watch Craig Ferguson, do yourself a favor and Tivo or tape it. You won’t regret it. He’s AWESOME.
I watch him and I love him very much. I love his accent, his quips, the way he speaks direct to the cameraman, his jokes, his puns. Everything.
It is a shame he is on so late, which is why I don’t get to see him as often as I’d like (nope, we don’t have TiVo – Shock!).
Not so long ago he did a spoof where he was pretending to be Prince Charles. I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my face. Better than Conan, Leno & Letterman combined.
That’s how it starts. It just creeps up on you.
Your ever loving gray, overweight, and now balding . . .
Not sure if you read my last two blog post but I felt old last week when I was scrolling through new Check Designs to order checks and the Disney Characters of Ariel, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast and Lion King were listed as “CLASSIC DISNEY”… ouch, that hurt. So we can grow old together.