Lost Some Data, But We’re Back

Okay, I left our previous hosting service due to poor customer service and have signed up with BlueHost.com, thanks to the recommendation of Chris at What in Tarnation?!. Chris was a tremendous help – he recommended the host, helped me get the MySql stuff set up and even installed WordPress for me. I was able to do the upgrade myself, which was easy. Then I spent most of today loading back in such things as the plugins, all the images I use on the site and the original content files I had on the previous version of the blog before I switched hosts. Some graphics are still not popping up, but I’m sure it’ll all resolve once the domain switch is completed.

Next up: Waiting for the name server and registrar info to be transferred over so that when people go to Cootiehog.com they see THIS site instead of the other site.

Then: Trying to see if I can get the posts I made from June 2-22 back into the site. Not that it was a lot, but I’d still like to get them back since there were some interesting announcements and such that I don’t want to lose.