Long Time No See, Everybody!

FOUR MONTHS, y’all.  That’s how long it’s been since my last post.  Does anyone even CARE if I post anymore?  Sheesh.

What’s happened in the past four months, let’s see…

Kids became 100% night owls by the time school ended, staying up until 4-5 a.m. every night and not surfacing in the main part of the house until 2-3 p.m. each day.  However, now that the new school year is about to begin next week, I am slowly moving their bedtimes back AND waking them up earlier.  As of last night they are now going to bed at 1 a.m.  Goal is to reach 11 p.m. by next Monday, which is the night before school starts for them.

Speaking of school, my high schoolers will be on an A/B hybrid schedule.  On B days they will be in class at school.  On A days they will be working from home complete with assignments that will be due the next B day.  They are both happy to be going back to school – neither of them liked the remote learning we did March – May.  They are taking interesting classes – for instance, CootieGirl has Statistics and Forensic Science this semester, while CootieBoy has Ceramics and Honors Chemistry (which I’ve warned him I CANNOT help with since I failed Chemistry 2ce in high school).

Dobby the Dog had another UTI in July, but fortunately my vet is awesome and was able to get samples of the bladder stones tested. He confirmed that the type of stones he had were treatable with meds versus surgery.  He still has another 2 weeks of antibiotics, and he’ll be taking the pills for the stones for the rest of his life.  But I’m fine with that!  I still have my dog!

CG and I continue to binge-watch all kinds of tv and movies.  We re-watched all of “New Girl” last month, and I watched all of the latest eco-challenge in two days (it’s on Amazon Prime as “World’s Toughest Race” and I HIGHLY recommend it).  She and I watched the 2nd season of “Umbrella Academy” in two days.  I joined Letterboxd and now track all the movies I own and watch there.  Thus far in 2020 I’ve seen 189 movies.  189!! That seems excessive, but when you are stuck at home for 3-4 months, that’s what you do.

My July trip to CA was moved to October and has since been moved to June 2021.  I won tickets for a convention currently scheduled for December in NJ, but that is likely to be moved to the spring as well.  Like most of you, I’m sure, I’m tired of being at home and anxious for the opportunity to go out and begin traveling again.  If the world opens back up in 2021, then it’s going to be a BUSY year since everything I’m attending is being postponed to spring/summer 2021!

Denis and I are debating whether or not to host a White Elephant this year.  We sent out a poll and 2/3rds of respondents seemed inclined to come if we hold it, so we’re leaning towards YES, with masks at least recommended, if not required.  On the off chance we’re able to host it, we’re already contemplating the menu even if we only have 10-15 attendees this year.

Work has been going well.  I usually work in the office three days a week and our office works at 50% capacity each day.  My company has done well despite the shut down and based on the last all-company conference call we had, we’re still meeting most of our annual goals despite the shutdown.  That has been a relief.  Denis’ company is the same – he works for an essential industry, so he’s been trucking right along this whole time as well.

CB turned 16 a couple weeks ago.  I thought we’d be celebrating with him finally getting his learner’s permit and starting to drive, but he ended up failing the written test on his first attempt.  We go back later this week for attempt #2.  He had a quiet birthday but seemed to like his gifts (I got him a personalized bowl for his nightly ice cream).  He got some books, which made him happy, and a lot of cash – a portion of which he spent at GameStop while the bulk went into savings.  He is a funny dude even if he drives me crazy.

CG has not been working this summer since her job was a no-go due to the shutdown.  We kept holding out hope, to no avail.  She is currently applying for other jobs but is very picky about where she’ll work, so rather than getting hired right away at a place that she knows would hire her, she’s cherry-picking and limiting her options.  Fortunately, dog sitting jobs have kept her afloat and she’s not broke yet.  But she will be soon.

That’s really about it.  I have nothing else to report because, frankly, NO ONE has much to report right now.