So tonight on the way home I’m going to stop into CVS. I have to pick up some new eyeliner, and while I’m at it I’m going to purchase some new hair dye. The red that I loved last week is already fading out – the lower 5″ of hair is a nice brown now. The only really red part is up at the roots. I’m so dejected – the root color is a really nice rosey shade of red. But my hair just won’t hold the red color anymore, so I think I’m done with it for good. From now on I’m either a brunette or a blonde.
When I mentioned my disgust with the red fading out so quickly, I said, “I may just go blonde again this weekend.” There was an admin standing nearby who loves the fact that I’m so willing to color my hair all kinds of colors, and said, “Go platinum!” I told her I’d have to have that done professionally and couldn’t afford it. I did tell her I was willing to buy the lightest shade available at a store and do it.
“You mean TONIGHT?” she asked incredulously.
I shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
“Won’t it turn pink?”
Again I shrugged. “I doubt it – maybe a really crazy strawberry blonde, but not pink.”
She expressed doubts, so I told her I’d do it and we’d see what happens.
She’s a dark blonde bordering on brunette and has been wanting to go light light blonde for years but her hairstylist won’t let her, claiming her hair will not turn blonde. I told the woman that’s not true since my own hair has taken all shades well – from black to blonde to fire-engine red, to magenta, to plain old brown.
So tonight I hit up CVS and see what happens when I go from magenta to blonde in a week.
It’s just hair. Your hair.
Even professionals struggle with reds…the red dyes just don’t have any staying power. But to go from magenta to blonde in a week is brave…I think pink hair is in your future. Pictures please. :wide-eyed:
I’m a dark blonde bordering on brunette and my hair takes the blonde very well.
Tell your admin friend to try Garnier Nutrisse brand – it’s the gentlest I’ve used and the colors are true.