Life Group Dinner a Hit!

Well, the dinner last night was a hit. Denis and I both got to the host’s house at the same time, so we unloaded the food pretty quickly. Then it was just a matter of getting the kids served so that we could sit and eat. Everyone seemed to like the variety, and everyone loved the pie, which was awesome.

We had almost the full group last night. One guy was not there because he is working on his CPA license (degree?) and was in Greensboro for classes or something. The couple that just had a baby two weeks ago stopped by and their baby is REALLY tiny. Wow.

The kids upstairs behaved for the most part, and the babysitter told me that CootieBoy was spellbound by the movie “Annie,” (yes, another musical). She said the minute it started it was as though there was nothing else in the room for him except that movie.

We got home at a reasonable time so I finished watching “Chuck” and then turned on “Heroes.” “Heroes” got weird for me though, because with 15 minutes to go the sound flipped out and ALL we had was the music track – not the dialogue track. We finally rewound the Tivo and turned on Closed Captioning. But my mind wasn’t in the mood for that and I quickly fell asleep to the music since there was no dialogue to keep me going.

This morning I woke up and realized just in time that I had a staff meeting here at work. Managed to get out of the house at 7:45 a.m. and made it to the meeting on time (that has NEVER happened – I’m ALWAYS late).

04 comments on “Life Group Dinner a Hit!

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    You should make me a list of DVD’s that the kids may want for Christmas. This way I can get them and mail them on time this year. Nothing like Christmas in Oct. The Annie DVD made me think of it. Not to mention DVD’s are much easier to mail then say a PICK UP Truck or a Princess Outfit.

    Let me know as X-mas is upon us. Just ask all the Television Commericals.

  • Ace , Direct link to comment


    Finally got their act together this week. Too bad you missed it. They really tried to bring the story a little bit closer together. They said that next week will “answer all the questions”. However, I knew what one answer was mid episode this week.

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Heh. They have an Amazon wishlist – I’ll email it to you. I keep it pretty updated.

  • denis , Direct link to comment

    Man, that boy can cook. We should get him to try out to be the Next Food Network Star. Does Food TV have a show devoted to comfort food?

    I still think my idea for a show called “Every Day’s A Party!” all about throwing parties, big and small for all occasions, dinner parties, birthday parties, wedding parties, surprise parties, etc. and the menus associated with them is a good idea.

    Let’s hear from the peanut gallery.

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