Let’s Hang Til 4:30

He’s done this before, you know. Where he has said, “Go ahead and go a bit early,” and then just as I’m putting on my coat he says, “Oh, can you do this one last thing for me?” and I end up leaving 15 minutes later than my normal end time.

So I just went into his office because this placed has CLEARED OUT. He says, “What, you wanna go?”

“Can I? I mean, do you have anything else you need me to do today?”

“What time is it?”

“4:15 p.m.”

“Let’s hang until about 4:30 and then we’ll both head out if I don’t have anything else.”

… :irked:

You know what he’s doing now? He’s going through each of the 16 presentation copies that I printed and bound for him a few hours ago. EACH ONE. As though one might have a typo that another may not have. I can practically GUARANTEE he’ll come out in a minute with a change that will require edits, printing and rebinding all 16 books, which should take me to about…oh…5:15 p.m.

Update at 4:40 p.m.: I’m still here because he’s still “reviewing” his presentations.

Oh – the “we’re gonna close” exec just now walked by and was shocked I am still here (I’m the only one besides Mr. Russell in this section of the office). He then made a comment to Mr. Russell who said I could leave. Figures.