Less Than Two Weeks!

Denis just emailed me to confirm that the underwriting is all done for our mortgage and we will definitely be closing on October 2 – less than two weeks from now! I am SO excited that I can barely think straight! I’ll be very happy (as you know from previous posts) to be out of the apartment.

We turned in our 30-day notice to the apartment complex a few days ago, telling them we’d be out by October 14. I told Denis that I wanted to begin taking stuff over to the house upon closing, without the movers – stuff that we are not using around the apartment (lawn mower, grill, lots of hanging clothes, a dresser, some other boxes and stuff that were never unpacked). This gives the movers that much less to worry about on moving day. I’m more worried about the stuff that’s in storage. I’ve decided to bugbomb the units the night before the move. We’ll go into the units just before closing and set off the bombs so that by morning they should be done and aired out. I just hope the bugbomb smoke can penetrate the stacks of stuff and really get in to where the ants are sure to be. Thanks a lot, gross storage unit.

And that’s it. YAY!

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