Last Update On My Leg

My leg is healing nicely. I definitely won’t be going back to the doctor unless for some reason the thing takes a turn, but for now the draining has all but stopped and it is starting to close up. There is no more pain whatsoever, which is great. I still walk a bit funny, but it’s really because of the bandages, not any pain I have. With any luck by tomorrow I can just put a bandaid over it and be done with it.

This morning when I was putting on a new bandage CootieGirl wandered into the bathroom.

“Whatcha doin’, Mama?” she asked curiously.

“I’m putting on a new bandage on my wound,” I responded.

She immediately hightailed it outta there, to my amusement. She wants NOTHING to do with anything remotely associated with that kind of thing.

She’s no future doctor, that one.