Last Night Was…

difficult. The kids were OUT OF CONTROL with the bickering and misbehaving and whining and crying.

I got home to find Denis on the sofa. He moved upstairs to our bedroom while I fixed the kids some dinner. They protested what I made for them, but ended up gobbling it down. I made pork tenderloin and a baked potato for myself. Don’t be impressed – the pork tenderloin was bought already prepped, so all I had to do was put it in the oven to cook. It tasted pretty good. I offered to make something for Denis but he passed.

So then I brought out Candyland to play with the kids. Here’s what I noticed: CootieGirl cheats. CootieBoy doesn’t care so much about winning so much as just participating. What was supposed to be fun turned into major drama because CootieGirl kept digging through the cards to find the ones she wanted (the fairy ones). Then she wanted to have a turn after both CootieBoy and me – thus doubling her progress on the Board. At one point she said to her brother, “Stop cheating!” and I just laughed and said, “He’s not cheating – YOU are,” and she got VERY mad and started crying. I explained to her why what she was doing was cheating, and she wasn’t having any of it.

It was just not the way I envisioned game night would be. So I quit the game and let them “play” for a few more minutes before going upstairs to bed.

In other news, CootieGirl was miserable with accidents last night. She had to change her underwear THREE TIMES within three hours, and each time I got progressively more frustrated until finally I just put her in a pullup. She was appropriately horrified when I put it on her (after all, she hasn’t worn one in VERY long time), but I explained that I didn’t want to have to wash a FOURTH pair of panties in one night. On the flip side, CootieBoy peed AND pooped in the potty last night. *sigh*

When they finally went to bed, I enjoyed the peace and quiet. I worked on my freelance project for a while and then settled on the sofa to watch tv for a couple of hours. Went up to bed around 1:00 a.m.

06 comments on “Last Night Was…

  • Ace , Direct link to comment

    Candyland has fairies in it now? Where have I been?
    Did CG accident in her pullup during the overnight?

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    Ace -there are special cards in CandyLand that let you advance on the board – a couple of them are fairies. And no, the pullup was spotless this morning.

  • PrincessJami , Direct link to comment

    Are you going to try again with the games? I think it’s a good idea to start up a family night. Maybe they’re not used to game night, just yet. Maybe there are simpler games for next week? My brother loved Tiddly Winks. Every week. Gah. Oh. You probably weren’t looking for advice. 🙂

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    PJ – yes, I’m definitely going to continue with the games, but only when it can be all four of us playing. We also have Chutes & Ladders and also plan on doing the memory game (where you flip over cards for matches) as well as puzzles.

    CootieBoy seemed to really take to it – his first question to me upon opening his eyes was “We go play game downstairs now?”

  • beth , Direct link to comment

    If CG does not improve, she may not be regressing, she may need to see a urologist. Or, if she is merely regressing, the thought and threat of taking her to a urologist may be enough to un-regress. I offer this as someone who has been there, and it was actually a medical problem.

  • beth , Direct link to comment

    I forgot to add – the 7 days thing that you are doing with her as a reward? I never did make it the 30 days I had to do before I could earn a set of training wheels. I learned how to ride a bike without them instead. LOL

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