It’s already 12:37 p.m. and I feel like I’ve gotten nothing done today. The kids let us sleep in today – they didn’t start making noise until 7:45 a.m., which was nice. Once we dropped them off at daycare we headed to Home Depot for a less-than-successful trip. We then went to Lowe’s where everyone was considerably more helpful. From both stores we got a nice dark burgundy paint for the back deck, a paint sprayer for painting the deck quickly, the closet doors for our room, and a cheap miter box to cut some trim for the attic. The trim is over half done. I took a break to go online and order the new front door awning to replace the one we ripped down. After getting caught in the rain on Saturday morning while trying to unlock the door I realized we needed to put one back on. The one I ordered has a mix of black, grey, green, yellow and red, so it’ll tie in the black shutters with the red door that I will paint after the awning arrives so that I have the proper red match.
Once Denis gets home at 2 p.m. we’ll put up the closet doors. Then we’ll probably head to the backyard to start painting the back fence so we can get as much of that done before the possible rain on Thursday morning.
Okay, back to the trim. Have I mentioned how amazingly bright the hallway and stairs are now? It’s blinding how white it is – it’s awesome!
You’re painting your deck burgundy? I’m trying to picture that.
The actual color is called “Port Wine”. It’s actually very similar to the red on Cootiehog.
Yeah, I’m a little concerned about the deck color, too. You want to make sure you aren’t doing anything out of the ordinary ~ you are safer going with a stain that is similar to other houses in the neighborhood. Staining a deck is preferable to painting ~ it doesn’t chip.
No staining – we DIY’d that last year with horrible end results. The paint is a nice color and will be very attractive once it is done. We’re going to slather on two coats AND seal it, so it’ll be more weather-proof than you might think when it’s finished.
I think this color is so beautiful, Jaynee.