Here are the pictures of Stinky with her new haircut. The first picture sort of shows how hairy she was before.
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Here are the pictures of Stinky with her new haircut. The first picture sort of shows how hairy she was before.
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Stinky looks so dejected. Even the tail looks limp. Are these the shots you took yesterday or are these from today? Either way, poor kitty!
Meow = Expletive Deleted
Leave it to the Japanese to translate for us what the Cooties’ freshly-shaved and bathed kitty is really saying. Edited
I think you should keep her shaved like that all the time, not just summer.
why on earth would you cut a cats fur?
Poor Baby! But I understand, I had to shave my kitty when she got old, poor baby couldn’t wash herself!
i think that is a cute cat i have a short haired tabby cat