Tomorrow CootieGirl is hosting a small swimming and tea party (Marmie would be so proud). CG got her kindergarten assignment last week, and it turns out she’s in the same class as Amy’s daughter. We’re thrilled that they will be in the same class.
As such, Amy is bringing her girls over to our house tomorrow so the girls can spend some time in the neighborhood pool. After a couple hours we’ll head back to the house where CG will serve grilled cheese sandwiches, fresh fruit, and some fresh brewed tea (sorry the menu isn’t as fancy as the tea party you helped her host a couple weeks ago, Marmie). I’m going to be heading out to Target in a few minutes to pick up a children’s teaset since 1) her plastic Princess one is pretty much missing 75% of it’s pieces and 2) my Fiestaware children’s teaset could be ANYWHERE in the attic – who knows? It’s easier just to spend $20 at Target on a cute little teaset that she can pull out from time to time when the occasion presents itself.
With any luck the girls can get together one more time before school starts just to solidify the fact that they’ll know each other on the first day of school. Even if it’s just going out for ice cream one night after work next week.
I’m still in shock how after meeting you here our children are now in the same class!
Can’t wait for tomorrow…especially since we haven’t gotten to swim in our now defunct pool.
I’m going to feel so much better knowing Emma knows at least one person in class.
I am delighted that the CG will have the chance to use the tea party skills she learned here! Good goin’ Mom! These were some of the things she and I discussed when she was here that you can remind her of:
Help Mommy set the table ~ forks to the left of the luncheon plate; spoons on the right; napkins folded by the forks; cup and saucer at the “1:00 o’clock” position.
Greet your guests at the door with, “I am so glad you came; it is good to see you!”
Show them where the tea party will be and show them to their seat.
Offer a blessing.
Napkins in the lap.
Ask them if they’d like to have a cup of tea.
Offer the tea sandwiches and goodies.
Just a little sugar and milk in the cup, stir and put your spoon back on the saucer.
Sip quietly, no slirping.
Engage in conversation.
When you are done, walk with them to the door, and say, “I am so glad you came. Please come back again soon.
I wish I could be a fly on the wall. Take pictures, please!
Sounds awesome!
Neviss last blog post..08-08-08: Special or just another Day?
Amy – I know, right? Hard to believe that about 3 years ago I found you online and started to pick your brain about life in Fort Mill.
Marmie – I don’t know if our tea will be THAT fancy. But we’ll see how it goes.
Oh, I realize that totally.
But it never hurts to take every opportunity to work on her manners and, besides, I think you may have a little “hostess with the mostest” in training. Remember the motto your friend’s mom taught you? “Proper decorum!” 
I really enjoyed reading about the tea party… what a terrific idea!
I’d also be interested in your fiestaware, when you decide what you want to sell. I collect primarily vintage, but I have contemporary too.
Elaine – I’ll be sure to email you once I pull down my Fiesta and determine what I can sell (not all of the vintage is nice enough to sell for anything more than a couple bucks – for instance, I know my Ivory #5 bowl is an absolute MESS (although not cracked or anything. Just very scraped up).