Kids Weekend Plans

This weekend is CootieGirl’s next theater event – we’re going to see “The Big Friendly Giant” at ImaginOn in Charlotte. She’s very excited. She’ll have a busy morning – gymnastics at 9 a.m. followed by the trip to Charlotte.

CootieBoy is upset he’s not going to the play. When I reminded CG about it this morning he said, “Do I get to go?”

I said no, and was about to explain that he got to go see

“Emperor’s New Clothes?” he finished for me.

“Yes,” I said.

His lip quivered. “I want to go see ‘Schoolhouse Rock’!” he said.

“That’s in 3 months,” I answered. “And before that we’re going to see…” I started signing “Defying Gravity” from the play ‘Wicked’.

“NNNNOOOOO!!!” he wailed. “Schoolhouse Rock!”

“Yes, that too.”

“That too?” he whispered. “And ‘I hope you’re happy’?” (that’s the first phrase in “Defying Gravity”)



The boy LOVES him some theater, don’t he?