IzeaRanks – A Needed Change!

Since October I have been doing Pay Per Post here at Cootiehog with a goal of paying off debt (or paying cash for the Disney trip). In late November my Google PageRank went from PR3 to PR0 in what is being called a smackdown against bloggers who try to make a little money doing something we enjoy. I took a beating from some readers in December who begrudge my attempt to earn a little extra money sitting at my computer versus getting a second job that takes me away from my children. But that’s neither here nor there. Suffice to say, paid blogging IS active at this website, and I’ve made an attempt to have the paid posts be as seamless as possible to the regular content of this website. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

In any event, to battle against the Google Page Rank Smackdown, PPP recently launched IZEARanks.com, a completely independent tool that ranks bloggers based on actual traffic and influence rather than what Google arbitrarily decides through their confusing code and algorithms. I get decent traffic at this website, and am happy to report that for the most part my rank remains in the upper 20% of bloggers that currently have been ranked at IZEA.

The IZEARanks is fun to surf through because it uses a piece of javascript to collect and report my latest rank based on my actual traffic. Google doesn’t do that. Another thing that’s great about it? The code is entirely different from that of PPP, so anyone concerned about a hit from Google need not worry.

So if you are thinking about doing some paid posting to pay off debt or earn some spending money, consider checking out not only PPP but IZEA, which features Blog Ranks for all bloggers who sign up.