I’ve officially run out of things to say. Since June I’ve been posting here every 2-3 days on average, and it has been fun to get back into writing. However, my next post is “due” today and I’ve got nothing to say. Have I already reached the point of doing a hodge podge post with a brain dump?
Yes, yes I have!
Last night I watched another made-for-Netflix teen movie and I daresay it was even worse than “The Kissing Booth.” Also made in 2018, it was called “SPF-18” and it was awful. And proof that actors don’t always pick the best projects in which to participate: it stars the same kid that plays Peter Kavinsky in “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before.” Let’s just hope the upcoming “Sierra Burgess is a Loser” is more on the “TATBILB” side than the side of “TKB” and “SPF” which are both abominations.
Speaking of “TATBILB,” I’m currently working my way through the books by Jenny Han. I finished the first book in a day and will likely finish the second book today. I have to say that the movie makes Peter Kavinsky much less snarky than the book. It took me a long time to warm up to the book-version of Peter. Book version was still kind to Lara Jean, but it took him a bit longer to get there. Having said that, I do appreciate some of the differences between the book and movie. In the book Josh is a much more fleshed out character and plays a bigger role for sure. I think the movie could have benefited from just 5 more minutes of having Josh featured in some additional scenes from the book. Also, in the book Peter and Lara Jean actually have a history of being sort-of friends during middle school before he began dating Gen, which makes it a bit more likely that Peter would pitch the idea of fake dating compared to the movie outline. Most notably, I think had I read the books first, I would not be the huge Peter Kavinsky fan that I am as a result of the movie. Sure, I like the books so far, but the PK character was not a standout *as written* that would make me replace Lloyd Dobler as my top fictional male character.
My shoulder has improved, but is not 100% back to normal. I’ve been going to physical therapy for the past few weeks and it seems to be helping, but the pain is rarely completely gone. And for a couple weeks there I also suffered from tennis elbow on my other side – so it was a double whammy of not being able to do much with my arms. Very frustrating, to say the least! I’m hoping in the next 3-4 sessions of PT I’ll be back to normal enough that I can stop going to PT.
I wrote a couple weeks ago about MoviePass making way too many changes for my liking. In the end, I cancelled my account. It was a good run while it lasted – I saw SO MANY MOVIES over the 9-10 months that I had it. But I just couldn’t justify even the low price of $10 a month when using the program became such a complete hassle because they kept changing the rules seemingly from one day to the next (the straw that broke the camel’s back in my case was the email that announced that I could only select movies from a list of seven that THEY decided upon, and when I looked, 5 of the movies were movies I’d never heard of and had no interest in seeing, and the other two were not exactly sought-after blockbusters).
The kids have been in school for two weeks now, and it seems to be going well, although CG has already got a low grade in English. *sigh* How is it possible she ALREADY has a low grade in a class that requires removal of her electronics privileges at home??? She was asked to join the National Beta Club this year and at this rate they’ll boot her out before the first meeting next month.
In TV news, if you are not watching “Making It” with Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman, you are missing out on America’s version of “Great British Bake Off” but for crafting. It is quite simply delightful and I suggest you go find the episodes OnDemand and watch them. And not just because Nick Offerman’s laugh is HILARIOUS to listen to. Side note – these are my favorite GIPHYs right now (I love Amy Poehler):