“First up would be the 20 layer cake!” she said, warming to the idea.
“The schichttorte! Absolutely!”
After a moment’s pause she asked, “But are we just going to make one together, or compete and we each make one of our own and see who does it best?”
Envisioning a house filled with more desserts and breads than my waistline can handle, I immediately responded, “Well, we have two ovens – no reason we can’t make two of everything. I’ll just take my results into work after judging.” (no idea who our judge(s) will be – I guess Denis’s waistline is about to take a hit, too)
And with that, a fun project was born. I don’t know when we’ll start – most likely we’ll only be doing this on the weekend. I think we’ll need to go through all the recipes and figure out which ones we actually feel like we can do, and then once we have a final count we can figure out whether this will be weekly, monthly, or something in between.
In the meantime, if you haven’t seen the latest season of GBBO, go immediately to Netflix and watch it. The contestant named Rahul is the breakout star of the season if only because he always thinks he’s a failure (and yet is a consistently good baker), and either has no sense of humor AT ALL, or is completely taking the mick out of everyone.