Our A/C is on the fritz. We plan on replacing them, but we also plan on getting quotes. The A/C not working well was no big deal when it was spring. But this week summer hit, with temps in the 80s all week. Our house the past three nights has settled in at 81 degrees, despite the A/C running at full blast for 5 hours upon arriving home (we don’t run it while we’re not here during the work day). This morning, when the house is at it’s coolest, the thermostat read 81 degrees. Not cool, house. Not cool.
And so this Memorial Day weekend we shall spend as much time as we can at the neighborhood pool, and a movie theater, and church. We shall spend as little time as possible inside the house.
We got a quote on new A/C units a couple weeks ago, and it was atrociously expensive. We have another guy coming out, but not for a couple more weeks. Alas, I won’t be able to make it that long, and so I’ll be calling him later today to see if he can come on Friday, when I’ll be home with the kids all day (their last day of school is Thursday but their summer program doesn’t start until Monday). If his quote is decent, then we’ll go ahead with the install. It’s too hot to muck around with getting quotes from 4-5 contractors like I normally would do.
Last night the kids and I were watching TV with all lights off, the A/C cranked, the fans blowing, and very little movement. I slept on top of the covers with two fans blowing on me the whole night. Two fans blowing hot air on my the whole night.
In other house news, we’ve submitted our plans for the home addition to our HOA’s architectural committee and hope to hear something next week. With any luck they won’t have any issues with it, and we can move forward with getting bids
If you can’t get it fixed this weekend, you can hang out here with us on Saturday.