It’s Only Wednesday? Really?

Last week I was given a major project at work and was advised to take my laptop home to work on it over the holiday weekend.  It was billed as highly confidential, but integral to my professional future with my company if I got it done quickly.  I worked sporadically over the holiday weekend and was able to finally get it all done today.  I’m pleased with the work I churned out, and I know my three supervisors are happy as well.  I’ve been told this is an ongoing project for the remainder of the year and if ever I feel I need to work some OT from home to manage it, I have been given approval for it.  Truthfully, I think I’m at a place now where I actually don’t need to do any major OT – maybe just 1-2 hours a month, really – but it’s nice to know I don’t have to get permission going forward should the need arise.

I really like my job here.  It has been 18 months already and I enjoy it as much as I did when I first arrived.  It’s an easy job, with easy-going people.  Sure, sometimes it can be monotonous, but aren’t all admin jobs that way for the most part?  And with this project, the goal is to get me OUT of the admin chair and into a project manager role sooner rather than later.  I’m up for that!  The future role is more project intensive and basically consists of managing the manager versus being managed.  The goal is for me to tell my main boss where to go, when to get there, who he is to see while he’s there and what he is supposed to do.  I already do that now, but I’ve been told to really ramp it up and dig in hard to the point where my boss’s clients talk to me way more than they talk to him.  Because my boss has not had the best admins in the past (the one I replaced was good, but the one before that was not), he has been loathe to just hand things over carte blanche.  Well, my instruction was not to wait, but to TAKE things carte blanche.

In sad news, the new admin that we just hired in January just turned in her notice this week.  She was a great addition to the admin team – very calming and soothing.  In the end, her old job just kept asking her to come back and gave her the moon to sway her to their cause.  Working from home, flexible schedule, and more pay.  I wouldn’t turn that down either!  Her last day is next Friday and we’re all very sad.

In other working news, CootieGirl gets her first real paycheck on Friday and I got the notification today regarding how much the direct deposit will be.  I immediately texted her and told her to get EXCITED because it was a nice paycheck!  When she was on her break she texted me back and was definitely happily surprised at how much she was getting.  I assured her that if she continues to work 3-4 days per week this summer she’ll get that amount in every single paycheck until school starts.  Gone are the days of only working 8 days a month. *lol*

She’s also dog sitting this week and come Saturday she’ll have some extra cash in her pocket thanks to that.  Now begins the test as to whether she stays a saver or becomes a spender.  Having several hundred bucks get dumped into the checking account is very tempting for a teenager.  Let’s hope she doesn’t spend it all at WalMart, Target and Michael’s.

Making this week seem extra hectic is the fact that tonight I head to Raleigh with my pal LD to see the Deck the Hallmark guys do a live show.  I’m leaving work in a few moments and won’t be home until past midnight, but it’ll be worth it since I get to hang out with LD for the night AND see my favorite podcasters do their thing for a couple of hours.