It’s Like Bubbles, Mama!

This weekend I showed the kids on their easel how to write bubble letters. CootieBoy loved it and this morning while waiting to leave for school I found him eagerly drawing a bubble version of the letter M.

In other news, we’ve warned the kids that the dry-erase pens are meant only for the easel – not the walls, carpets, books, etc.

So what I do I find upon walking into CootieGirl’s room? Her closet door covered in dark blue marker.

“Who did that?” I asked menacingly.

“CootieBoy did!” CootieGirl cried.

“CB – did you do that?” I asked him. “Tell me the truth.”

“No,” he started to say. He looked at the displeasure on my face, then decided to go with the truth. “I only did the dots.”

Since we were about to leave for LifeGroup I didn’t have any time to punish either of them but CB was VERY upset at the idea of making Daddy mad.

“Your father is NOT going to be happy about this, CB.”

“He’s going to be MAD?” he asked tremulously.

“Yes, he is.”

“I don’t want him to be mad! I want him to be HAPPY!” he wailed.

“Then you shouldn’t write on doors with markers.”

03 comments on “It’s Like Bubbles, Mama!

  • MB , Direct link to comment

    Hmmm .. Maybe I should rethink the furniture I was going to buy for F’s room, and go for something a LOT less expensive *lol*!

  • Jaynee , Direct link to comment

    MB – yeah, there’s a reason we bought super-cheap furniture for the tv room a few years ago – we knew the kids would tear it up. Four years on it still looks okay, and should outlast their messy years. Then I’ll get nice stuff – when they are pre-teens. They will still make messes, but not nearly as often as they do as toddlers.

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