It’s Halloweenie!

Given the fact my kids have a penchant for ending all their favorite nouns with “-ie”, today is Halloweenie. They are VERY excited about going trick or treating tonight. With any luck I’ll get out of here on time tonight so that I can get home at a reasonable hour to take them out.

Denis and I are still debating about who will stay home passing out candy and who will go out with the kids. When I asked them this morning, CootieGirl said she wanted Daddy to take them out while CootieBoy felt that he wanted Mommy to take them out. So we may do a switch off and let Daddy take them to one side of the neighborhood and me take them to the other side of the neighborhood. Either way they are gonna end up with a LOT of candy tonight.

In fact, last night Denis threw out about a pound of candy that we had left over from last year’s Halloweenie night.