Last night I asked the kids if they wanted yogurt. They each picked out the one they wanted (they choose by the colors on the container rather than the flavors.
“I want red!” CootieBoy cheered. I took down a Red Raspberry flavor for him, which CootieGirl opted for “blue” (which was actually Red Cherry).
CB was heartbroken when he opened his yogurt up to find it was more of a dull purple.
“I want red!” he cried, tears welling up in his eyes.
“It’s close to red,” I said. “It’s almost like pink.”
“I want RED!” he repeated, a bit more angry this time.
I held his container up to CG’s, which was definitely purple against CB’s almost-pink.
He continued to wail (he’d had a long day, apparently), so I said, “You want red? Okay, I’ll make it red.”
I went over to the drawer, took out some food coloring, stirred it in and voila – red yogurt.
CB went away happy to have red yogurt.
“I want blue!” CG said, handing me her yogurt.
Denis piped up “You realize you have to do this the rest of your life, right?”
Based on the title…I thought this was going to be a political post.
Stacy’s last blog post..JibJab – 2007 Year in Review
Heh. I didn’t even think of that!!
Awesome story, I read it out loud to Harold, and we both had a good laugh.
Jean’s last blog post..Food Storage Tip
That’s great–VERY smart, Mom!