It Has Been Non-Stop Today

Today’s workday has been non-stop. Blondie Boss, who never gives me work, has given me a huge document to edit. Add in the three TIF files from last week that I had to convert to text files and completely reformat, and I already started the day behind schedule. But there was more – Mr. BIL has had no meetings today so all he has had time to do is produce, produce, produce.

I skipped lunch mainly because just as I was about to LEAVE for lunch he dropped a job on my desk and said, “Do you mind typing that up now?” And next thing you know it’s 3:23 p.m. and lunchtime has long since passed.

The good part of the day, though, was receiving not one but two boxes from with some of my Christmas gifts. I’m hoping another box comes in the afternoon deliveries at 4 p.m. The other good part of the day is having about $60 in deposits made to my PayPal account today. I also returned yet more fleece fabric that was the wrong color and hope to have that credited to my PayPal account in a couple weeks as well. I’m due the refund from the other fabric at the end of this week.

Tonight I have to buckle down and work. I have sugar cookie dough all set to do cookies with the kids tonight upon arriving home. Then once the kids are in bed I have to finish the hot pink blanket that was a custom order. It is all cut out and I just need to put it together, and that’s my mission for this evening. Tomorrow I’ll do the zebra blanket, and Wednesday I’ll do the gift blanket. Thursday is band practice (at least, I think it’s Thursday – I have to double check that).