I’m in one of those moods where I do NOT want to be at work today. It’s most likely tied to the fact that I know Mr. Russell is going to be out three days next week, so there is high potential for a heavy workload beginning about 4 p.m. today. I need to warn him that I’m picking up the kids tonight and have to leave on time.
I was shocked upon arriving at work this morning to find snow on the ground. It wasn’t snowing at our house, but apparently it snowed enough over here (a scant 20 miles southwest) to actually stick to the ground and cover car windows. Very weird and surreal.
I need to recolor my hair. My roots are appalling AND the red is almost completely gone. I’m more strawberry blonde now, as opposed to the Bozo look I was sporting the day after I colored it. I may do DARK red this weekend, so that it’s less noticeable when the red washes out over time.
Last night Ace and Anthony came over for “Survivor”. Ace tried to be helpful and refilled CootieGirl’s sippy cup with juice. But he didn’t realize that the top needed to be screwed on – he thought it was a snap-on lid. So CootieGirl brought up the cup to her mouth to take a sip and promptly spilled juice all over herself. “Mama!” she cried in concern as I came down the stairs, having put CootieBoy to bed. “Wet!” Fortunately it mostly went on her as opposed to the sofa so clean was as simple as stripping her down and mopping off her legs.
This morning I watched about 30 minutes of “Veronica Mars” while getting ready for work. I haven’t watched the past three episodes and felt a need to try and catch up before I get too far behind. I love that show. So well written and enjoyable. In other tv news, I also love “The Office”. The best mement of last night’s episode? Michael’s “presentation” which ends with the production tagline ‘Great Scott!’ Oh, and I NEED to get a Dwight Shrute bobblehead doll.
We went to bed at 10 p.m. last night. It was a drastic change of pace for me since I usually go to bed around 11:30 p.m. or midnight these days. I get caught up working on homeplans late at night nowadays. But last night we made the decision to go to bed early. Bad decision though – I was pretty much wide awake by 5:40 a.m. and tossed and turned for the next hour before getting up for the day.
” Ace tried to be helpful and refilled CootieGirl’s sippy cup with juice. But he didn’t realize that the top needed to be screwed on – he thought it was a snap-on lid. So CootieGirl brought up the cup to her mouth to take a sip and promptly spilled juice all over herself.”
She had it coming, she was eyeballing me all night. :biggrin:
To be honest, I thought if I couldn’t burn down your house then I would try and take out the kids one by one. :13:
Maybe we should have a get together at my house for survivor this way you can get your paybacks. The kids were in great form last night. Thanks for having us over. The food was yummy. We can totally order from them again! Put a star on that menu.
Sound like a good night’s sleep to me.