In The Light of Day

Okay, so I’ve dubbed the entire talent show last night onto the computer so that I can get CDs ready to take to work on Monday. I’ll be posting my performance in a little bit. However, having watched it again, I have to say that I’m not half bad.

Sure, I forgot the words. Sure, I was very tipsy (thanks to my posse and I sneaking in our drinks). Sure I had to go first. Sure it was basically a laptop and wireless microphone plugged into a loudspeaker. But even with those things working against me, I did an okay job.

Notes to myself for next time (which will be in 2009):

1) don’t go first
2) don’t be ashamed – take your words up there with you
3) don’t drink so much that your mind wanders when you should be singing
4) pick a sing that’s a little higher in your range so the words don’t get lost

Other than that, stellar!!

Here’s the video – it converted strangely. The actual song runs 4:04 minutes, but the clip here for the whole song is only 3:32. So it sped up considerably and there is also a bit of skipping, for some reason. But I figured I’d post it nonetheless. – new video uploaded – one that doesn’t have skipping.

Here is the video of my song – WARNING: IT’S A HUGE FILE (50MB)

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