I’m Too Excited To Sleep

This morning I awoke at 6:30 a.m. to CootieBoy at my bedside. “I want up!” he said. I pulled him up onto the bed and we cuddled for a few minutes while CootieBoy jabbered on about whatever he felt like jabbering about. Then I realized Denis wasn’t in bed. I got up and found Denis sleeping on the sofa. He woke up as I was getting CootieBoy some milk and said, “I couldn’t sleep last night because I kept thinking about the house.”

Isn’t that what I’M supposed to say? Aren’t *I* the one that’s supposed to be up all night, tossing and turning and obsessing about our future? I do it all the time! But last night I slept like a BABY – the first really GOOD night’s sleep I’ve had since getting into the apartment. I guess my feeling of being in limbo finally dissipated once we got word that our offer was accepted.

Today has been a whirlwind of activity – we’ve redone the offer document since we had to make a few edits to the info we put on there, we have a lawyer in place who has already reviewed the documents, we’ve contacted the home inspector to make an appointment and have also contacted a mortgage broker. The wild news is that the mortgage broker believes we’ll be able to get a mortgage based on my salary alone! Wouldn’t THAT be an amazing thing!! It would make it so much easier since Denis does real estate and has that whole self-employed contractor thing with his taxes that we’d prefer not to mess with.

So yeah, we’re VERY excited and I’m happy that things are moving along so quickly. I hope this is as seamless a closing as we had with our house in NJ.

Oh, and I was wrong about the age of the house – it is actually nine years old, not five. But either way it’s a HECK of a lot younger than the NJ house!