I failed to mention the fact that last night I arrived home from work only to find CootieBoy in front of the TV playing his new Diego Wii game all by himself. And I NEVER had to sit next to him to show him what to do. He did everything on his own.
Sweet relief!
At some point he did ask me to sit down next to him to keep him company, but he never actively needed my help, which was awesome. I was able to just sit and pepper him with questions about his day while he did his thing. Such a nice change of pace…
I just figured out why I don’t have kids… “Sharing”.
Now, when you want to play the Lego Crack Indiana Jones game, you will have to wait your turn. Oh No!
Last night he wanted to play LIJ, which we are essentially done with. We were at 99.7%, but I knew how to get that last .3% and just hadn’t done it. So we did that last night and enjoyed the shower of coins raining down upon us once we hit 100%. CootieBoy was very concerned that we wouldn’t be able to play anymore, but I showed him that we could play it all over again from the beginning and he was happy about that.
Hey, Congrats on that. What an occasion, you must be so proud. I love when I beat a game. I am only at 24% as of last night. I stayed up past my bed time and was FEELING it this morning at 5AM. Great news ahead though. We are having new carpet placed on the entire second floor next week… so, I will be taking a vacation day either Monday or Tuesday (Anthony has to take one of the days) and so well.. I can see myself in the basement with the dog all day playing and chilling out. I bet I complete the entire game that day.
I should probably go and get Lego Star Wars to play after I beat it so I have something else to do.